England FUTURE Lionesses
Welcome to the Future Lionesses programme.
Your application has been received and we look forward to seeing you at the event.
You will receive an email 1-2 weeks before confirming your time slot.
This is for girls born 2008-2010 ONLY
  • FAQ's:
    My daughter was born 2011 but plays up a year, can she attend?
    No, it is for girls born 2008-2010. Next year it will change to include 2011 born girls.
  • Some of her team mates are invited but she is born 2011, can she attend?
    No, it is for girls born 2008-2010. Next year it will change to include 2011 born girls.
  • She cant make that date, is there any others she can attend.
    We host these events all the time around the country. we will be back in your area soon. Keep an eye out for future events.
  • When will we know her timeslot?
    There are several variations, depending on venue and how many register. You will get an email 1-2 weeks before with your exact time slot on. On the original post and page you seen it will give you the overall timings but you maybe in the 1st or 2nd slot.
  • I've put her wrong name/email/dob on the form can you amend it
    Once registered you can go back into your form and amend. follow the link via the email you get sent with your form on. (check spam)


Discover My Talent

3v3UK are proud to have been asked by England FA to organise and host their Future Lionesses Talent ID events. Using 3v3 as the format they can see which girls have the England characteristics. Over the year we will be hosting events around the country. See below for events in your area. Check what the England Lionesses characteristics are.

Tournament Information
We are proud to host this free event for England Football as they search for future lionesses to represent our country.

Once registered an email will be sent to confirm your registration.

Only attend if you have regsitered and had a confirmation email.

Event Day

3v3 is a perfect way to spot talent. More time on the ball, more 1v1 attacking and defending, its fast paced and hard work. All characteristics that the future England players must have. Players will be put into teams. This will be pre-planned by ourselves so players will meet their team mates on the day. Players will play approx 7x8 minute games over the 2 hours. England staff and spotters will be watching all the girls throughout the event. No players will be told on the day if selected for the pathway. The idea is to let them have fun, enjoy the experience and express themselves without any pressure.

Post Event
Players will be sent an email with the next steps if selected.
3v3 UK Game Rules
  • 3 players per team
  • All games will be played on a 3v3UK Airpitch which is 15m x 10m
  • The game starts with the ball in the middle and all players touching their own goal.
  • Goals can only be scored once over the half way line.
  • Once your team scores all players must retreat to their own goal before coming active again.
  • No breaks in play.
  • Any foul is a half way line open net penalty
  • Players can not stand in their own net to block the ball.
  • If the ball is kicked off the Airpitch then the opposing team will have a kick in restart from where it went out. players must be 2m away at a restart.
Parents and Spectators
Parents must stand behind the perimeter fence
Any abusive language or behaviour towards officials, opponents or others will not be tolerated. You will be asked to leave with your daughter too.
3v3UK host a wide range of tournaments and events. See more on our tournaments page.
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